Cowes Map and Information

Cowes map, useful street map of Cowes on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England.

Detailed Street Map of Cowes Isle of Wight - Cowes Street Map

Cowes Map - Road Map of the Cowes Isle of Wight:

Above you will find a useful street map of Cowes on the Isle of Wight, a town famous for its Cowes Week annual sailing regatta.

The map is 'zoomable' and 'moveable', by using the control buttons on the top left of the map, you can get a closer view of a particular area and get a detailed street map of Cowes and the surrounding areas. The easiest method for moving around this Cowes map is to left click and hold your mouse button, you can then drag the map around, to zoom in double click the left mouse button, to zoom out double click the right mouse button. You can view Cowes and East Cowes and also the areas of Gurnard, Northwood, Whippingham and Parkhurst Forest, by zooming out you can also get a map for the island's capital Newport.

A seaport located on the Isle of Wight, Cowes stands on the west bank of the River Medina, the town is most famous for its annual sailing regatta - Cowes Week, which takes place during the first week of August each year and is the world's oldest annual sailing regatta, first held in 1826.

Cowes is located in the north of the Isle of Wight and looks across the Solent to Calshot, Gosport and Stubbington, the town is reached by the ferry from Southampton, or by road via the A-3020 from Newport.

Related Links: Cowes Weather - Isle of Wight Map - Isle of Wight Jobs

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