Penzance Map and Information

Check out this Penzance map, featuring the large town in Cornwall.

Detailed Street Map of Penzance Cornwall - Penzance Road Map

Penzance Map: Above you will find a very useful street map of Penzance, a town, fishing port and coastal holiday resort located in the county of Cornwall, England, United Kingdom.

This Penzance map 'zooms' and 'pans' (use the buttons top left of map), enabling you to get a detailed street map of Penzance town and the surrounding areas. Also shown on this map are Newlyn, Chyandour, Heamoor, Madron, Castle Horneck and Tredarvah, you can also see the West Cornwall Hospital and Penzance Heliport. Possibly settled as long ago as the Iron Age, the first mention of Penzance was in 1322, it became a borough in 1614, its traditional industries have been fishing, mining and agriculture, today it relies heavily on tourism and has a resident population of just over 20,000.

Places to visit nearby include St Just, an old mining village, Marazion and Newlyn.

Penzance can be accessed from the A30, it can also be easily reached by bus and rail.

Map of Cornwall here: Map of Cornwall.

Related Links: Penzance Weather - Cornwall Cottage - Newquay Map - Helston - Hayle Cornwall Map - Marhamchurch

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