Ashford Map and Information

Check out this Ashford map, featuring the town in Kent, in south-east England, UK.

Detailed Street Map of Ashford Kent - Ashford Road Map

Ashford Map - Road Map of Ashford Kent - Above you will find a useful road map of Ashford, a town located in Kent, southern England.

The map is 'zoomable' and 'moveable', by using the control buttons on the top left of the map, you can get a closer view of a particular area and get a detailed street map of Ashford and the surrounding areas. The easiest method for moving around this Ashford map is to left click and hold your mouse button, you can then drag the map around, to zoom in double click the left mouse button, to zoom out double click the right mouse button. You can also view the surrounding areas, towns and villages of Kennington, Kingsnorth, Stanhope, Stubbs Cross, Hothfield, Sevington, Wye and Mersham.

A town and borough within the county of Kent in south-eastern England, Ashford has a population of around 60,000 and has been voted one of the most pleasant places to live in England. Ashford originates from a settlement founded during the 9th century probably to escape Viking raids on nearby villages. Listed in the Domesday Book as Essetesford its name is thought to have derived from the phrase "ash trees growing near a ford", the ford being on a tributary of the River Stour. Ashford grew as an agricultural town, one of the most important in the county, and its market was held in the High Street up until 1856. Ashford can be accessed from the M-20 or from the A28, it is located roughly midway between Maidstone and Folkestone.

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